

How to Order / Proof 

Click here to preview and order your photos

Additional Proofing Information

Your photos will be available for proofing within 5 business days of picture day. Galleries will be live and available for ordering photos for eleven months. Click the button above and enter your personal Online code to gain access to your secure and private online gallery. Your Online code is located on the back of our portrait program postcards. Poses and group photos will be displayed after your online code is accepted. Select your favorite pose by clicking on the heart icon or favourite button located near the top of your image, these will be the photos you have to choose from to make your portrait prints and packages.  Click on buy now and all our packages will be listed, once you select a package add it to the cart. Add-ons are unlocked once a package has been added to the cart, package add-ons are not available without package purchase.  Continue to checkout and fill in your information, enter and apply any discount codes at this time. An active email account is required to receive your receipt and any image downloads. Please check your junk mail as our email may be filtered out. Retouching is available for $7.99, please place any retouching details in the “notes” section at the end of your transaction.

Combining orders from different online codes to bundle shipping.

To bundle orders together to save shipping add your 1st order to the cart and click the “change gallery” button at the top of your order screen. You may then enter your next online code.

Your privacy is important to us and we never sell or distribute email / contact information

Payment options 

For online payment, we accept  Visa / Mastercard  / American Express  & Visa / Mastercard Debit.

 Online payment is secure and quick.

Full payment options: Debit – Credit – Paypal – Cheque – Cash

All cheques made payable to : Photografiks

 Return cheque / cash / credit form to school sealed in Photografiks school portrait program order envelope.

 Getting ready for picture day

Picture day is a special day for all our subjects, we strive to take the best portrait possible. Help your student look their best by wearing simple clothes without any distracting logos or patterns. Strong colored shirts will reflect color onto subjects neck and face.  We will have a mirror on site to make sure every student looks their best.  

Group Class Photo

Elementary school students receive one complimentary group or composite class photo. Please contact us to order additional copies.

Retakes / Absent students

We will gladly retake your picture if you are not satisfied.  Retake dates will be detailed on the photo notice letter from your school .  If student is absent for photo day we always have a second chance for retakes at your students school or at our fall retake session.


  Basic retouching is available for $7.99 please place any retouching details in the “notes” section at the end of your transaction. Advanced retouching is also available for an additional cost please contact us with your retouching request.

Package add-ons

Package add-ons can be ordered with any of the listed packages.  Once you have added a package to your cart all add-ons will be unlocked and available,  add-ons are not available alone.

Products offered

We offer a number of custom print and innovative products for your family to enjoy for years to come,  contact for more information on available products.

Printing Deadline

All orders should be placed before schools printing deadline to save shipping costs.  The printing deadline for all school orders is usually three to four weeks from the shoot date.  Missed your printing deadline?  No problem,  your photos will be available online for proofing and purchase for eleven months from the shoot date.  Any orders placed after printing deadline will be shipped directly to the customers provided address and subject to a shipping and handling delivery charge of $7.99. 

Regional Service Area

Photografiks is located in picturesque northeastern Ontario.  Providing professional photography services to many northeastern Ontario communities since 1992. Including:

Temagami , Cobalt, Haileybury, New Liskeard, Englehart, Kerns, Elk Lake, Kirkland Lake and Temiskaming First Nations.

Booking Appointments & Sittings

NOTE: online appointment bookings are only enabled during graduation season.

To book an appointment or photo sitting with photografiks use our online booking. An active email address is required as all bookings will be confirmed by email. For graduation sittings please make note of the dates our photographer will be shooting at your school under our calendar.  Please book a sitting during the time frame we are at your school.  Any sittings booked outside of allotted dates will have to be rescheduled.  We accept visa / mastercard  credit /debit payment of sitting fees online at time of booking for all graduation photo sessions, other payment options are available please contact us for more information.  Refunds are issued only if appointment is canceled 48hrs before sitting.

Photo Deletion and Archiving

In accordance with our agreement with the school board all fall photos must be deleted after eleven months. Please place your order before the eleven month deadline as all photos and backups will be deleted.

Graduation and Sports photos will be live for eleven months from the time they are posted live.  After this time all photos are removed online and the project is archived. Please order graduation and sports photos within eleven months to avoid an unarchiving fee of $20.

Graduation and Sports photos can be unarchived after eleven months for a fee of $20.