TDSS & TDSSE Graduation photos 2021.
Dear parents of Graduating students from T.D.S.S. and T.D.S.S.E.
Photografiks will be at T.D.S.S. for Grade 12 graduation photos from Monday November 30th – Wednesday December 2nd, excluding distance learning students. Distance Learning Students will have an opportunity for graduation photos on Monday, December 7th at the Photografiks Studio on Riverside Drive. Grade 8 graduation photos will be Thursday December 3rd – Friday December 4th, excluding distance learning students. Photo sessions will take place at T.D.S.S from 9am – 3:30pm each day. Grade 8 students will be called down by class for their graduation photo. All Grade 12 Students wanting to have their photo taken and be included in the graduation composite, must book a photo appointment online at Photografiks website Appointment times are now available and are FREE of sitting fees. You must have an active email account to book an appointment. A ten minute photo session is required. Please arrive ten minutes earlier than your booked appointment. Graduation regalia ( Gown and Cap ) will be provided by TDSS and will be given directly to the student during their photo session. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, please respect social distancing. All graduation regalia will be disinfected between sessions.
Distance learning students may book their graduation photos for Monday December 7th, as they will be taken at Photografiks studio in New Liskeard from 9am – 3:45pm. All appointments must be booked online through our website; Please remember to select December 7th only when booking for distance learning students.
Students will receive a graduation postcard containing a ticket code to allow proofing access to all photos in a private online gallery. You can expect photos online for ordering within 10 business days of photo day. All graduation photos are direct shipped to the customer for $7.50. Every package purchased online comes with a complimentary low resolution digital download for sharing on social media.
To facilitate a graduation group photo this year Photografiks will be composing a graduation composite. All graduating students need to be photographed to be included in the group composite. Any students not photographed over the three day session will not be included in the composite. The Class of 2021 composite will be available for purchase online using your same ticket code.
Thank you for your understanding in this challenging time.
James Hayward
(705) 961-0677