
TDSS & TDSSE fall photo sessions.

Dear parents of TDSS & TDSSE students,

TDSS photo days will be October 5, 6,& 7th for students with a Rotation 1 Class, excluding distance learning students.
October 15 & 16th for students who have a Rotation 2 Class and who haven’t had their photo
taken, excluding distance learning students. The TDSSE Grade 7/8 photo day will be on
Thursday, October 8th for students who have a Rotation 1 Class, excluding distance
learning students. For TDSSE students who are returning during Rotation 2 , they may have
their photos taken on October 16th excluding distance learning students.

If your student missed having their picture taken or you would like a retake, Photografiks
will gladly retake your students picture. The reshoot / retake date for photography is November
5th at T.D.S.S. For those customers who don’t have a cell phone or internet access an order
envelope can be requested from your school.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Yours Truly,
James Hayward